in between
Concept & Choreography Aslı Bostancı
Performance Aslı Bostancı
"in between has been awarded a special mention prize in 2013 from Milano Internationel Prize 2 Spazio Teatro NO'HMA Teresa Pomodoro".
a self solo-butoh experience by asli bostanci
The starting point for the “in between” was to go forward from my body and walking on the edges with my strange creature.
My reflections for creating this solo are to live an experiment in between of two different personalities, playing with them, finding a relation and transition between them.
Leaving the audience and the performer in a gap and explores links between the latent new times and situations.I have another part that is hidden inside of me and I decided to wake it.I listen to the stories told by the relationship between myself and my strange creature.
The effect of those processes brings my body an experimental space about metamorphosis of the body and to be estrangement of myself and the outside.
“In between” is inviting me to a journey about how the body stays between the dilemmas.
20 min.